A little over a year ago our good friends recommended a family friendly resort in Mexico. It sounded so good we immediately looked for tickets. We loved every minute of our stay and couldn’t wait to get back.
The weather wasn’t quite as nice as our last visit, but the service was just as perfect. The girls couldn’t get enough of the pool and ordering piña coladas and strawberry daiquiris everyday. Needless to say, we’ll be staying away from sugar for awhile.
Navee was able to put her preschool Spanish lessons to use and the staff helped teach her a few new words. Now she high fives everyone shouting “Chócolas!”

where do u take a sick boat? to the dock! why aren’t u laughing…

ready to hit the club mama!

two daiquiris, we’ll be back after a quick costume change

can there be two sofia the firsts?

i think i see a fish!

don’t let it get me!

they should call it a board-run

i can’t take a siesta when all i want is a fiesta