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January 13, 2025

Family Session in Half Moon Bay

Happy New Year! This year I’ve set quite a list of New Years Resolutions and at the top of my list is….updating this blog. So while I have some favorite sessions to catch you all up on my first is going to be from a recent trip to California. We lucked out with the most beautiful sunset and no crowds!

I love letting the family explore the area before asking for any smiles!

A gorgeous family in front of a sunset – what photography dreams are made of.
Our sweet toddler loves airplanes so we took a few breaks to watch!
Can’t forget to capture mom an dad on their own!
January 24, 2018

Family Vacation to Cancun

A little over a year ago our good friends recommended a family friendly resort in Mexico. It sounded so good we immediately looked for tickets. We loved every minute of our stay and couldn’t wait to get back.

The weather wasn’t quite as nice as our last visit, but the service was just as perfect.   The girls couldn’t get enough of the pool and ordering piña coladas and strawberry daiquiris everyday. Needless to say, we’ll be staying away from sugar for awhile.

Navee was able to put her preschool Spanish lessons to use and the staff helped teach her a few new words. Now she high fives everyone shouting “Chócolas!” 

where do u take a sick boat?  to the dock!  why aren’t u laughing…


ready to hit the club mama!


two daiquiris, we’ll be back after a quick costume change


can there be two sofia the firsts?


i think i see a fish!


don’t let it get me!


they should call it a board-run


i can’t take a siesta when all i want is a fiesta

January 11, 2018

December Trip to Phoenix, AZ

Last month we had the pleasure of traveling down to Arizona to see Sushil’s cousin get married. We all had so much fun and loved being able to escape a Michigan winter even if it was only for a few days.

There were 3 days of events and plenty of outfit changes, but my camera didn’t make as many appearances as it should have!  

la la la la can’t hear you telling us to stop running la la la la


perfect skipping stones, where is the nearest pond?


i need someone to scratch my nose